The Friday Five: Helen Mirren

The Friday Five: 
Helen Mirren
Helen Mirren exudes an irresistible sense of grace and sophistication no matter what she does, and maintains an otherworldly beauty through it all.  With the release of "The Good Liar," I take a look at my five favorite Helen Mirren films.


 National Treasure: Book of Secrets
Before going full Nicolas Cage, Nicolas Cage re-vitalized his career with the "National Treasure" series, and Helen Mirren arrives for the sequel to play Cage's mother who assists him in finding the Presidential Book of Secrets that could clear the family name from being associated with the Lincoln assassination.  Mirren gives an over-the-top performance that shows that she relished this type of simplistic role, and offers some great comedic moments.

Based off the DC Comics storyline, "RED" finds Helen Mirren acting alongside fellow veteran actors Bruce Willis, Morgan Freeman and John Malkovich as retired agents who are hunted down for the secrets they know, but still remain RED - Retired Extremely Dangerous.  Mirren blends a comedic performance with intense action sequences brilliantly, and there's just something about seeing her behind a sniper rifle and machine gun that's astonishing.

 Love Ranch
Based off the true story of Nevada's first legalized brothel, "Love Ranch" finds Helen Mirren playing the longsuffering wife and business partner Grace to Joe Pesci's philandering Charlie before conducting an affair with young boxing protege Bruza.  Mirren classes up the film and offers another great performance that's effortless and simply Mirren.

 The Last Station
Playing Sofya Tolstoy, "The Last Station" finds Helen Mirren acting alongside Christopher Plummer as the famed author Leo Tolstoy and the battle over the rights to his literary legacy.  Sofya wants the rights to go to her after his death, while his principle disciple (played by Paul Giamatti) believes it should go to the Russian people, and brings in a spy (James McAvoy) to prove Sofya's insanity.  Mirren again dominates the screen with her elegance, wit, and sometimes pure delightful nuttiness to the project.

 The Queen
The film that earned Helen Mirren ALL the awards (including her first Academy Award), "The Queen" tells the story of the Queen of England after the death of Princess Diana and the aftermath that occurred.  Mirren portrays royal, regal elegance with simplicity, effortlessly performing with sophistication and a stoic nature that the Queen epitomizes, and has become her most well-known and respected performances.


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