Wrong Turn 6: Last Resort
Wrong Turn 6: Last Resort Starring Anthony Ilott, Chris Jarvis, Aqueela Zoll, Sadie Katz Directed by Valeri Milev Synopsis: Having gone through some traumatic events in his life, Danny (Anthony Ilott) is a man without a family, until he learns he's inherited a spa resort, and, more importantly, a chance to learn who he really is. With his girlfriend Toni (Aqueela Zoll) and some friends, he heads to the resort and meets caretakers Jackson (Chris Jarvis) and his lover/sister Sally (Sadie Katz). As Danny begins to learn about his heritage, his friends start going missing at the hands of the cannibalistic inbreds Three Finger, Saw Tooth and One Eye. Toni has bad feelings, but Danny insists on staying and turning the once thriving resort back to its original glory, and he's faced with a deadly decision - stay with his friends, or join with his real family. Review: For this sequel...or prequel?...the once intriguing Wrong Turn series once again takes...a wrong turn