X-Men: Days of Future Past

X-Men: Days of Future Past
Starring Hugh Jackman, James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence
Directed by Bryan Singer

In a very destroyed world, mutants are hunted down and destroyed by Sentinels.  The few that are left hole up in a Chinese monastery, where Kitty (Ellen Page) uses her powers to send the consciousness of Wolverine (Hugh Jackman) back to 1973 to prevent Mystique (Jennifer Lawrence) from assassinating Bolivar Trask (Peter Dinklage), who invented the Sentinels.  To do this, Wolverine must convince not just Mystique, but also the younger Charles Xavier (James McAvoy) and Eric (Michael Fassbender) to work together.

Growing up, "The X-Men" was one of my favorite comic series and TV shows.  When the first movie came out in 2000, I was very pleased.  Things got better in "X2," but then fell flat with "The Last Stand" and "X-Men Origins: Wolverine."  With "The First Class," things started getting better, culminating to "Days of Future Past," which is not just the best X-Men film, but Marvel's second best film ever (only behind "The Avengers").

Since the first film, the Sentinels have been hinted at being included in the films.  After a not-so-exciting cameo in "The Last Stand," they're brought into full force here, and they were well worth the wait.  They were extremely terrifying and powerful, easily able to overtake the X-Men, which is why Wolverine was sent back in the first place.

The acting in the film is top notch as well.  There wasn't a bad moment in the film, and it remained action packed from start to finish, leaving me on the edge of my seat.  The chemistry between the actors are clearly visible, and it draws you in as a viewer to what is happening and keeps you enthralled in the moment.

Mixing casts from both series was a risk, but Bryan Singer (who directed the masterful first two films) does so brilliantly, not overshadowing anyone and giving everyone their time to shine.  I wondered how they would take the comic to the big screen, and I was pleasantly surprised how everything tied together.  Even though there were some differences (Kitty was the one who went back in time in the comics), having Wolverine go intensified his presence in the series and gave him a new purpose.

"Days of Future Past" grew leaps and bounds above any other "X-Men" film, brilliantly blending the past and future, and under the fantastic direction of Bryan Singer it easily becomes one of the best Marvel movies ever made.

My Rating: A+


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