An American Ghost Story

An American Ghost Story
Starring Stephen Twardokus, Liesel Kopp, Jon Gale, Wendy Haines
Directed by Derek Cole

Paul (Stephen Twardokus) is a down-and-out writer who wants to make a name for himself by writing a true ghost story, so he rents out a house that formerly saw its occupants killed by the father.  Night after night strange occurrences happen, and unbeknownst to Paul, his life is very well on the line.

They should've named this "An American Ghost Snorey."  Nothing really scary happens throughout the film, unless you take into account the cheap jump scares where loud music suddenly plays when nothing remotely scary happens.  When directors know they can't scare the populous, they resort to this cheap trick because we're all programmed to jump when a loud noise occurs.

The acting, thin as it was, wasn't too bad.  Wasn't great, but not as bad as some other low-budget horror films.

There's two unintentionally funny sections of this film.  The first part was the timing.  They give us a timetable of days, going from the first day to almost two months in.  Throughout that time, none of the characters change.  Their facial hair remains perfectly the same.  No different haircuts.  No weight gain/loss.  Nothing to signify such a big time change.  Continuity nightmare.

The other is the "big bad" ghost, which is only shown wearing a sheet.  Reminded me of the horrible costumes poor kids would wear on Halloween since they couldn't afford a real costume.  Not to mention this ghost was clearly an X-Man.  Because he had the power of telepathy.  He would move objects from far distances and lift and lower the main character by just reaching out to him.  He needs to be recruited for the next "X-Men" film because he's also invisible.  A great asset for Professor X.

Not as bad as other b-rated ghost stories, but it doesn't deliver in the thrills and chills, unless you're watching with headphones where you would jump from all the musical cheap jump scares.

My Rating: C-


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