
Starring Eric Jay Beck, April Matson, Akeem Smith, Greg Cipes
Directed by Taylor Sheridan

After a weekend camping, four friends stop for gas and are approached by a woman who says her car broke down.  They give her a lift to her car, and she releases knockout gas in their car.  When they wake up, they find themselves in an abandoned house with 5 other people, and an older woman comes on the television, telling them they were selected to help humanity by releasing chemicals in their bodies that can only be done through pain, and once they received their designated amount, they would be set free.  So the group plan on torturing each other in the hopes that they'll go free once their captors get their desired chemicals, and go to great lengths to achieve this goal. 

It's Oscar night, and Angelina Jolie comes forward to give out the biggest award of the night - Best Picture of the Year.

"And the Oscar goes to," Angelina says as she opens the envelope...


Yes, "Vile" makes "Saw" look like an Oscar-winning film.  There is nothing new added to this wannabe that hasn't been done in million other "Saw"-wannabe movies.  Lack of character development, horrible acting, and even the gore wasn't that great.  Repetitive lines were delivered with lackluster participation, and the ending was the only small light of hope in the film, albeit it's about as powerful as a flashlight with a dying battery.

My Rating: D+


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