
Starring Ashley Kay, Melanie Donihoo, Peyton Wetzel, Danielle Jones
Directed by Stacy Davidson

A group of ravers break into a supposedly abandoned factory building to prepare for a big rave, but all the while they're being stalked by a deranged killer with a huge hammer and demonic henchwomen.

"Sweatshop" isn't a great film by any means.  There's no great plot, no loveable characters you root for, and at points it seems like they spent most of their budget on cigarettes (seriously, each character smokes at least two of them throughout the film).  However, what the film does have going for it is the over-the-top 80s style gore and guts, something that every horror aficionado can appreciate.

If you're looking for some intense backstory to the killer's motives, you won't find it here.  If you want to know how he has these demonic women doing his bidding, look another place.  There's no story to his origin or why he kills, he just does it.  That makes it more terrifying, and more intense. 

Speaking of the gore, "Sweatshop" goes exceedingly abundantly more than most films do nowadays.  There's not a lot of CGI done, just some good old fashioned prosthetics.  Seeing people getting literally creamed to a pulp with a huge hammer is exactly the type of gore people appreciate - where we know it can never really happen, so we can enjoy the pure silliness of it.

My Rating: B-


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