The Last Exorcism Part II
Starring Ashley Bell, Julia Garner, Spencer Treat Clark, David Jensen
Directed by Ed Gass-Donnelly

Taking place after the events from the first film, young Nell (Ashley Bell) is the lone survivor from the night of terror, and finds herself in a halfway home for troubled teens in New Orleans.  Having been believed what happened to her in the past wasn't real, she tries to lead a normal life: making real friends, getting a job, and even falling in love with a boy named Chis (Spencer Treat Clark).

However, the demon Abalam won't let her go, and begins stalking her through his minions, forcing her to accept the fate he has for her - he's in love with her, and wants to have a demon baby with her that will spawn the end of the world.

Seriously, that's the premise of this film.  A demon - who can never know the real meaning of love - falls in love with a human girl.  One of the most preposterous plots in any movie I've seen.  On top of that, how can a sequel be made from a movie with the word "Last" in the title?

That being said, this film was a long snooze-fest.  There wasn't a lot happening throughout the film, except for the end, but even that seemed quite subdued.  Thankfully they abandoned the "found footage" format that the first film hailed, and just focused on Nell and her continued struggle with the supernatural.

The only shining light (which is about as dim as a light on your cell phone set on the lowest setting) is Ashley Bell's performance.  She has a bright future ahead of her (especially if you've seen the quite under-appreciated post-apocalyptic film "The Day"), and hopefully she can put these two setbacks in her past and focus on meatier roles.  There's something ethereal about her, and not just because this was a supernatural film, she seems to deliver her performances flawlessly, and it's a true joy to watch.

My Rating: B-


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