9 Miles Down
Starring Adrian Paul, Kate Nauta, Amanda Douge, Yousef Amin
Directed by Anthony Waller

Security expert Thomas 'Jack' Jackman (Adrian Paul) is sent to a remote scientific camp in the middle of the Sahara to investigate strange disappearances of the crew.  Upon arrival it seems like it's a ghost town, with strange Satanic markings and sacrifices.  Then he meets Jennie Chrsitianson (Kate Nauta), who tells him that the crew went insane after uncovering a hole that they felt led straight to hell.

At first Jack is skeptical, but he soon starts seeing delusions of his dead wife and is tormented by the demons of his past, and for him the line between reality and illusion becomes increasingly blurred, until he doesn't know what is real and what isn't, and who might be an ally, or his greatest enemy.

The concept for this film comes from an urban legend in Siberia where people supposedly drilled into the Earth so deep it connected with hell and recorded voices of the dead screaming.  So at its base that's what this film entails, and it doesn't stray far from that, except for delving into the troubled past of the main character.

What follows are long scenes of him wandering the building, yelling at Jennie and thinking his dead wife is back from the dead.  The acting, for what it's worth, was alright, but the film moved at a snail's pace and the ending was left so ambiguously that you never really know the truth, and in the end you feel cheated for trying to watch this borefest.

My Rating: C-


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