Cherry Tree Lane
Starring Rachael Blake, Tom Butcher, Jumayn Hunter, Ashley Chin
Directed by Paul Williams

Christine (Rachael Blake) and Michael (Tom Butcher) are an upper-middle-class husband and wife in England with a teenage son, but their marriage is on the rocks.  All of a sudden, three youth barge into their house and hold them hostage, terrorizing them and doing things to them that seem unimaginable, and
it seems at first a completely random attack until the son comes home and the truth comes out.

What is the truth?  I have no clue.  I spent most of the time fast forwarding through this snooze-fest.  The first three minutes of the film - literally - is a camera watching water boil.  That's it.  Then there's seven minutes of the husband and wife sitting at the dinner table mumbling extremely boring dialogue, and then the invaders enter.  Then there's more worthless dialogue, long shots of the criminals going through their DVD collection, and that's when I started hitting FF like my life depended on it. 

I finally made it to the last ten minutes, which, I guess if I saw the rest of the film, I would care more about.  Instead, it seems like a totally pointless ending to a totally pointless film.

My Rating: D-


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