Saint Nick
Starring Egbert Jan Weeber, Bert Luppes, Caro Lenssen, Huub Stapel
Directed by Dick Maas

In 1492, an evil Saint Nicholas terrorized a village, killing men, women and children with the aid of his minions.  The remaining townspeople decided to get their revenge by setting his boat on fire, killing him and all his henchmen in the process.

In 1968, a family is horribly butchered by a zombie Saint Nick, and only one child survives.

In present time, the child is now a police investigator who's obsessed with finding Saint Nick, so much so that the other cops on the force make fun of him for it, especially since it's December 5th, which, in Amsterdam, is Christmas. 

But the laughs soon turn to chills when the zombie Saint Nick returns (since it's a full moon) and wreaks havoc in Amsterdam, leaving the cops clueless and the investigator on the hunt with a young man the police wrongfully accused of committing the crimes.

There's been several Santa killer movies out there, and I think this ranks as one of the best.  It flawlessly blends in the dark humor with the extremely over-the-top gore (it reminded me of the classic Peter Jackson flick "Dead Alive").  It has everything a horror fan could love, especially when you don't take the film seriously.  It's supposed to be a horror comedy, and it comes across as such.  The effects, for a lower budget film, were pretty exquisite, and even though the storyline and acting were mediocre, it was still an enjoyable time.

Rating: B


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