Jug Face

Jug Face
Starring Lauren Carter, Sean Bridgers, Larry Fessenden, Sean Young
Directed by Chad Kinkle

In a backwoods town, there's the pit.  It's a supernatural entity that cures the towns' illnesses, but it desires sacrifices in the form of jug faces, where the seer in the town falls under a trance and makes a jug face of someone in the town, and that person is sacrificed.

Ada (Lauren Carter) just discovered she's pregnant with her brother's baby, and finds out that her face is the next jug face.  Fearing death, she takes the jug and hides it.  This sends the pit into a rampage, and people around her start dying as retribution.  Ada learns that to stop the killings she has to come clean, but that would mean certain death for her.

This is a very small film.  I say that in a good way, because it feels very isolated and it gives you time to really know the characters.  It's definitely one of the oddest films I've seen, and the ending is rather unsatisfactory, but necessary.  Lauren Carter does a good job of playing a backwoods hillbilly girl, and her whole dysfunctional family really shows the depravity of the community.

As for the pit thing, it's never explained what it is, why it exists or even what it looks like.  Sometimes the unknown is the most terrifying, and it gives this creature, or whatever it is, a more mysterious aura.

A surprisingly decent small-budget horror film with an interesting, unique story and compelling secretive evil.

My Rating: C+


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