The Friday Five: Adam Driver

The Friday Five: 
Adam Driver
Adam Driver emerged onto the scene in stellar work in the television series "Girls" and his career has only gone up since then, starring in some of the biggest blockbusters of the generation as well as standout independent performances.  With "The Dead Don't Die" being released on home video this week, I take a look at my five personal favorite Adam Driver films.


Star Wars: The Last Jedi
The most divisive of the long-running franchise, "The Last Jedi" sees Driver's Kylo Ren struggling with his own dark nature as he grows closer to Rey, but also desires for complete control.  Driver again gives a strong performance as we see his internal struggle come to life and experience some top-notch Saber battling as well.

In this underrated Martin Scorsese epic, Adam Driver stars alongside Andrew Garfield as two Jesuit priests who travel to Japan to find their missing mentor and spread the word of Christianity, but find themselves in constant danger from the religious zealots of the land as they search for their missing friend.  Driver delivers a knockout dramatic performance that balances extremely well with the tremendous acting of Andrew Garfield, Liam Neeson, and everyone else involved in Scorsese's passion project.

 Logan Lucky
Billed as "Ocean's Eleven" for the hillbilly crowd, "Logan Lucky" finds Adam Driver playing Clyde Logan, whose brother Jimmy (played by Channing Tatum) has just lost his job but has a plan to make a fortune - by robbing the Charlotte Motor Speedway.  To accomplish this, they have to bring in an explosives expert, played to scene-stealing perfection by Daniel Craig.  The result is a rip-roaring, hilarious heist caper film fueled by tremendous performances and an off-the-wall story that's wholly enjoyable. 

 Star Wars: The Force Awakens
After a long spell without a "Star Wars" film, J.J. Abrams brought "The Force Awakens," and the result was monumental - becoming the highest grossing movie ever in America, and making household names out of its relatively unknown stars, including Adam Driver.  As Kylo Ren, he perfectly balances a desire for power along with dealing with his past lineage, and provides some great fight scenes in the process.

Spike Lee's "BlacKkKlansman" tells the true story of Ron Stallworth, an African American detective who infiltrates the KKK using fellow officer Flip Zimmerman (Driver) as the physical presence while he communicates with the Klan through the phone.  Adam Driver gives an awards-worthy performance (and earned himself his first Academy Award nomination) as Zimmerman, the man on the inside who has to endure constant fear of being caught and gives a tremendous, tour-de-force performance that can't be missed, making him more than just a "Star Wars" actor.


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