
Scrambled Starring Leah McKendrick, Ego Nwodim, Andrew Santino, Laura Ceron Directed by Lean McKendrick Being a guy, and also someone who never, ever, ever, ever...ever...wants kids, "Scrambled" is one of those films that didn't necessarily speak to me on any real level. I didn't know much about it going into it, and I was genuinely surprised about how funny and also heartfelt it was. Doing digging afterward I found that Leah McKendrick - who directed, wrote, and starred in the film - based this movie on her real life struggles to freeze her eggs in 2021, which made it all the more personal. She used her own comedic timing that allowed you to let your guard down with laughter before hitting you in the gut with real-life truths that women face: unlike men, when women hit a certain age, their eggs hit an expiration date. While men can father children well into their 70s or 80s, women have a difficult time after 35, which the film graciously and hilariously points out on...