
Hustle Starring Adam Sandler, Juancho Hernangomez, Queen Latifah, Ben Foster Directed by Jeremiah Zagar I've said it before, but I'm definitely not a sports guy. Was never into watching sporting events because I thought they were boring personally, and it's not a knock on anyone who enjoys it - it's clearly something that requires a lot of talent, determination, and persistence to pull off, it's just not my cup of tea. That doesn't mean I don't watch sports films, and for the most part I can follow them to a certain extent as long as I can de-compartmentalize the heart of the story with the sports jargon that surround it. "Hustle" is one such film, a traditional story of the Joe Everyman underdog who overcomes all obstacles to achieve his dream, despite continual setbacks he doesn't give up and pushes forward through insurmountable odds - and I'm also talking about Adam Sandler's career. Stanley Sugarman (Adam Sandler) is a basketball...