94th Academy Awards Predictions

94th Academy Awards Predictions The time has come for my favorite night of the year when it comes to cinema - the 94th Academy Awards, which honors the best of the best in film in the last year. While it's not a hugely popular show, it's still something I never miss and make sure to check out as many films nominated as possible before the big night in order to make my own predictions. BEST ANIMATED SHORT FILM Affairs of the Art Bestia Boxballet Robin Robin The Windshield Wiper The only one I've seen here is "Robin Robin," so I'll go with that. SHOULD WIN: Robin Robin WILL WIN: Robin Robin LIVE ACTION SHORT Ala Kachuu - Take and Run The Dress The Long Goodbye On My Mind Please Hold The only thing I know about any of these is that last year's Best Actor nominee Riz Ahmed is in "The Long Goodbye," so I'll go with that. SHOULD WIN: The Long Goodbye WILL WIN: The Long Goodbye DOCUMENTARY SHORT SUBJECT Audible Lead Me Home The Queen of Basketball T...