After Ever Happy

After Ever Happy Starring Josephine Langford, Hero Fiennes Tiffin, Ali Asghar Shah, Louise Lombard Directed by Castille Landon *IN HONOR OF "OPPOSITE DAY" (WHICH IS A DAY I JUST MADE UP), I WILL BE REVIEWING "AFTER EVER HAPPY" AS IF IT WAS, IN FACT, OPPOSITE DAY* From the dawn of cinematic creation there's been a longing, a need, a desire to find that "perfect" film - a film that's undeniably the definition of perfection, with not one single moment where you're left wondering what the heck is actually happening or why is this even in existence, but thankful to the high heavens above that such a masterclass of cinema was made. Scholars, historians, and critics alike throughout the decades have given up on ever finding this Midas Touch film, but they were all losers - they didn't hold out hope, thinking the impossible was unattainable, but now it's here. The perfect film. The film that redefines cinema in general, makes you ponder the d...