Iron Mask

Iron Mask Starring Jackie Chan, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jason Flemyng, Xingtong Yao Directed by Oleg Stepchenko Dear "Gigli," "Glitter," "The Last Airbender," "Catwoman," "Battlefield Earth," "Cats," and "The Happening..." It it with sincere sadness that I inform all of you that you are no longer considered to be the worst films ever made. You all had a very good run and should be proud of that, but a new film has come to usurp your title, a film that I'm positive will never be matched, and that film is "Iron Mask" - no, not the Leonardo DiCaprio "The Man in the Iron Mask," but just "Iron Mask," whose name itself is also an enigma, but I will explain that in detail later. "Iron Mask" is a film - if you supposedly call it that - that doesn't really know what it's doing. There's so many different stories going on that you don't really focus on any one in par...