The Friday Five: Jamie Lee Curtis

The Friday Five: Jamie Lee Curtis Jamie Lee Curtis began her career and firmly established herself as the original Scream Queen, but in the decades since she's branched out to different genres of film with great success. With the release of Rian Johnson's "Knives Out," I take a look at my five favorite Jamie Lee Curtis films. **THERE WILL BE NO SPOILERS** #5 Halloween Returning to the role that made her a household name forty years ago, Jamie Lee Curtis takes on her biggest foe once again in "Halloween." Playing the iconic Laurie Strode once again, Curtis portrays an iron will and determination to see her longtime nemesis dead once and for all, and proves that you don't have to be young to be an action star - you just need grit, determination, and persistence. #4 True Lies Jamie Lee Curtis showcases her action prowess and comedic timing in James Cameron's "True Lies," where she p...