The Friday Five: Gerard Butler

The Friday Five: Gerard Butler Gerard Butler has starred in some of today's biggest action blockbusters, but can also muster up some decent romantic comedies, dramas, and even belt out a solid tune here and there. With the third film in his "Fallen" trilogy coming out called "Angel Has Fallen," I take a look at my five personal favorite Gerard Butler films. **THERE WILL BE NO SPOILERS** #5 Machine Gun Preacher Based off the true story of Sam Childers, a former biker who finds God and heads to Africa to help repair homes ravaged by a civil war, "Machine Gun Preacher" finds Butler in his wheelhouse as a man who must resort to violence to save a group of children who were kidnapped by a rebel tribe as well as try to maintain the peace as he establishes an orphanage in the middle of a literal war zone. The action is explosive, but Butler also gives a solid dramatic performance as a man who sets out to care for the least for...