Worst2First: My Top Ten Video Game Films

Worst2First: My Top Ten Video Game Films It has to be said that movies based off video games are not very good. Even my "best" list is a bunch of mediocre-level quality films that are only passable because they're either too outlandish to believe, or they fully accept their own cheeky existence and runs with it. For a list of my worst video game films, check out: http://joemamamoviereview.blogspot.com/2016/04/worst2first-worst-video-game-films.html Meanwhile, here is my top ten favorite video game films, worst2first. **THERE WILL BE NO SPOILERS** #10 Assassin's Creed When you get two Oscar winners (Marion Cotillard and Jeremy Irons) and two Oscar nominees (Michael Fassbender and Charlotte Rampling) in a video game film adaptation, you expect it to be at least tolerable. Taking on aspects of the long-running video game franchise, "Assassin's Creed" focuses on a man's past ancestor who was an Assassin and pulls his knowledge ...