Why Him?

Why Him? Starring James Franco, Bryan Cranston, Zoey Deutch, Keegan-Michael Key Directed by John Hamburg The Story: In rural Michigan, Ned Fleming (Bryan Cranston) is the longtime owner of a printing business, and obviously business isn't booming with technology on the rise. He's an overprotective, yet loving, father to teenage son Scotty (Griffin Gluck) and Stanford college daughter Stephanie (Zoey Deutch), and doting husband to Barb (Megan Mullally). He's especially close with Stephanie, as the two have had a very tight bond throughout her childhood years. So when he discovers she has a boyfriend she never told him about, he's wary of the new man. Stephanie invites the family to California for Christmas to meet her new boyfriend, and he's not exactly the normal type. Laird Mayhew (James Franco) is ten years older, a high school dropout, riddled with tattoos, and is also a tech millionaire video game developer. Laird invites the family to sta...