The Last Will and Testament of Rosalind Leigh

The Last Will and Testament of Rosalind Leigh Starring Aaron Poole, Vanessa Redgrave, Julian Richings, Stephen Eric McIntyre Directed by Rodrigo Gudino Synopsis: Rosalind Leigh (Vanessa Redgrave) was a very spiritually devout woman to a strange cult, and wanted her son Leon (Aaron Poole) to believe. He abandoned her and she committed suicide, and he comes back to the house to see what he could get rid of. While there he hears strange voices and sees a frightening cat-like creature that stalks him until he decides to make the ultimate decision to believe, or not. Review: This film was very dull, and didn't make a lot of sense. It could've gone in different directions with different theories from anyone who watched it, but even though it was dull, I found myself compelled to see the whole thing. It was a throwback to a classic Hitchcock film, instead of relying on stupid jump scares, blood and gore, and nudity, it tells a story about a mother feeling...